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Young - modern - successful

We are a young, dynamic sports club with a focus on integration in Wetzlar - Niedergirmes. Our goal is not to do competitive sport, but to get all children and young people enthusiastic about having fun in sport. The social interaction through team sports is an excellent way to make it easier for children to deal with tasks and problems in their lives.

We ensure that over 70 children in Wetzlar - Niedergirmes pursue meaningful and active occupation several times a week. Our association was created because the appreciation for these children, their parents and families is one of our most important mottos. Letting different cultures play together, for example handball, is simply great, both for us trainers or the board of directors, the parents and the children. The children experience a sense of community that is second to none.

The parents are also involved in the game operations, sell coffee and cake together during home games, are in lively exchange with each other and of course there are also parties together, such as the founding party in November 2018.

As part of the European youth games with the partner cities, the girls' team was in Pisek, Czech Republic. Last year the Piseker came to Wetzlar. This enables the children to look beyond the German borders, which, without the networking of our association, would often not be possible in this form.

It is also thanks to the networking of our association that we have a great cooperation with the Geschwister Scholl elementary school in Wetzlar - Niedergirmes. This school offers a handball club, which was created based on the ideas of our department head. There is a lively exchange with this group and interested children are made aware of our handball training by the school. The August Bebel School has a school team and an AG. Our trainers looked after the school team during a tournament and there is also a lively exchange between the school and the board.

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